July 27, 2024

Nicole Distaff PSI suspended by DCP sir.

Nicol Distaff PSI Jaideep Singh Sisodia, head constable Bharatbhai and driver Praveenbhai were on patrol last night. At that time, a restaurant called Alakno Otlo in Nicol was open. The three policemen arrived to close the restaurant. At that time, he had a fight with the manager of the restaurant. Meanwhile, he misbehaved with the restaurant manager for which the PSI and both the head constables complained.

According to the information received from the sources, there was a complaint at the highest level of PSI. So immediate investigation was done by DCP. Zone-5 DCP Baldev Desai has suspended PSI Jaideep Singh Sisodia and Head Constable Bharatbhai after the investigation. While investigation is still going on against the driver of the car.

Zone 5 DCP Baldev Desai said, PSI and head constable went to stop the eating and drinking. He was misbehaved then. About which CCTV footage was presented. Taking this into account, checking the CCTV, the PSI was actually seen misbehaving. So they have been suspended.